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Get an Edge in Blackjack

If you enjoy playing Blackjack which is one of the most popular casino games, we have constructed a strategy chart to help make your Blackjack experience as profitable as possible. By using some strategy you can lower the house edge significantly.

By simulating hundreds of hands of Blackjack, we used the percentages of wins and losses to determine when to hit, stand, double or split. Basic Math and probabilities is one constant in this world and if followed can significantly improve your profits when playing Blackjack.

See our Blackjack Strategy Chart to determine what to do when are dealt a particular hand. The chart is pretty self explanatory with the Dealers up card across the top and you then sum your two cards. Find the intersecting box to see whether t hit, stand, double or split. Again these simulations were made over hundreds of hands and will give you the best winning percentage available based on any given hand.

If you’re playing online you can reference the chart easily, but if you are at a land based casino we have also included a printable smaller version of the chart. You can keep this in your wallet or lay it on your leg for reference. The casino will not mind you references such a chart as long as you keep it somewhat private.

See our top USA friendly online casinos and start playing blackjack with the best advantage available. If the chart says double – double. If the chart says split – split. Doubling down and splitting is where you truly make your money playing Blackjack.

We recommend the Betonline or the Intertops casino for playing blackjack as they offer great bonuses for table games. See our test of BetOnline and and our opinion on Intertops for complete details and claim your bonuses.

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games and using the proper strategy you can lower the house edge significantly. Blackjack allows you to go on long winning streaks, and by using this chart you should see your winning streaks become even larger and more profitable.

Play Profitable Blackjack

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games and also has a very low casino edge if played correctly. Be more profitable playing Blackjack by using our BlackJack Strategy Chart. This chart tells you when to hit, stand, double, or split.

The chart is based on mathmatical probabilities over thousand of hands. Stick to what this chart recommends and you will see you edge against the casino grow. There is also a printable version of the chart which you may want to take to your local land based casino. While the casinos do not care if you reference this type of chart, try to be discrete. We recommend you memeorize the chart and carrying a copy to reference if you forget what to do.

Have fun and hopefully win some cash playing black